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アルヴァー・アールト : エッセイとスケッチ / アルヴァー・アールト [著] ; ヨーラン・シルツ編 ; 吉崎恵子訳
新装版. - 東京 : 鹿島出版会 , 2009.1
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白い机 : 円熟期 : アルヴァ・アアルトの栄光と憂うつ / ヨーラン・シルツ著 ; 田中雅美, 田中智子共訳
東京 : 鹿島出版会 , 1998.7
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Buildings and Projects, 1917-1926 / with introduction and project descriptions by Göran Schildt
1. - New York : Garland Pub. , 1994
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Muurame church, southwestern Finland agricultural cooperative building, and other buildings and projects, 1926-1927 / with introduction and project descriptions by Göran Schildt
2. - New York : Garland Pub. , 1994
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Buildings for the Tampella Company, Inkeroinen Elementary School, and other buildings and projects, 1936-1939 / with introduction and project descriptions by Göran Schildt
9. - New York : Garland Pub. , 1994
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Villa Mairea, 1938, Villa Mairea, 1938-1939 / with introduction and project descriptions by Göran Schildt
10. - New York : Garland Pub. , 1994
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Tallinn Art Museum, Kauttua Terrace House, Finnish pavilion at the 1939 World's Fair in New York, and other buildings and projects, 1937-1939 / with introduction and project descriptions by Göran Schildt
New York : Garland Pub. , 1994
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Paimio tuberculosis sanatorium, city of turku 700th anniversary exhibition, standard furniture, and other buildings and projects, 1929-1930 / with introduction and project descriptions by Göran Schildt
New York : Garland Pub. , 1994
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Helsinki Stadium, Zagreb Central Hospital, and other buildings and projects, 1930-1932 / with introduction and project descriptions by Göran Schildt
New York : Garland Pub. , 1994
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Aalto's own home in Helsinki, Finnish pavilion at the 1937 World's Fair in Paris, and other buildings and projects, 1932-1937 / with introduction and project descriptions by Göran Schildt
New York : Garland Pub. , 1994
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Buildings and plans for the A. Ahlström Company in Varkaus, and type houses, 1937-1939 / with introduction and project descriptions by Göran Schildt
New York : Garland Pub. , 1994
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Sunila Pulp Mill, housing, and town plan, 1936-1938 / with introduction and project descriptions by Göran Schildt
New York : Garland Pub. , 1994
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Viipuri city library, turun sanomat building, and other buildings and projects, 1927-1929 / with introduction and project descriptions by Göran Schildt
3. - New York : Garland Pub. , 1994
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Alvar Aalto : the complete catalogue of architecture, design and art / Göran Schildt ; [translated from Swedish by Timothy Binham]
London : Academy Editions , 1994
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白い机 : モダン・タイムス : アルヴァ・アアルトと機能主義の出会い / ヨーラン・シルツ著 ; 田中雅美, 田中智子共訳
東京 : 鹿島出版会 , 1993.1
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Alvar Aalto, the mature years / Göran Schildt ; [translated by Timothy Binham]
New York : Rizzoli , 1991
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白い机 : 若い時 : アルヴァ・アアルトの青年時代と芸術思想 / ヨーラン・シルツ著 ; 田中雅美, 田中智子共訳
東京 : 鹿島出版会 , 1989.11
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Alvar Aalto : the decisive years / Göran Schildt ; [translated by Timothy Binham]
New York : Rizzoli , 1986
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Alvar Aalto, the early years / Göran Schildt ; [translated by Timothy Binham]
New York : Rizzoli , 1984
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現代フィンランド彫刻 / ジェラン・シルト著 ; 向後英一訳
三鷹 : コガ形象社 , 19721973(2版)