Bergquist, Peter

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1 Afterword, addenda and corrigenda, indexes / edited by Peter Bergquist Middleton, Wis. : A-R Editions , c2007
2 Motets for three to twelve voices from Magnum opus musicum (Munich, 1604) / [Orlando di Lasso] ; edited by Peter Bergquist Middleton, Wis. : A-R Editions , c2006
3 Motets from printed anthologies and manuscripts, 1580-1594 / Orlando di Lasso ; edited by Peter Bergquist Middleton, Wis. : A-R Editions , c2002
4 Motets for four to eight voices from Thesaurus musicus (Nuremberg, 1564) / Orlando di Lasso ; edited by Peter Bergquist Middleton, Wis. : A-R Editions , c2002
5 Motets from printed anthologies and manuscripts, 1570-1579 / Orlando di Lasso ; edited by Peter Bergquist Middleton, Wis. : A-R Editions , c2001
6 Patrocinium musices, prima pars : (Munich, 1573) / Orlando di Lasso ; edited by Peter Bergquist Madison, Wis. : A-R Editions , c2000
7 Motets from printed anthologies and manuscripts, 1555-1569 / Orlando di Lasso ; edited by Peter Bergquist Madison, Wis. : A-R Editions , c1999
8 Moduli quinis vocibus nunquam hactenus editi : (Paris, 1571) / Orlando di Lasso ; edited by Peter Bergquist Madison, Wis. : A-R Editions , c1999
9 Cantiones aliquot quinque vocum (Munich, 1596) ; Ten motets from Selectiorum aliquot cantionum sacrarum sex vocum fasciculus (Munich, 1570) / Orlando di Lasso ; edited by Peter Bergquist Madison, [Wis.] : A-R Editions , c1998
10 Motets from Quinque et sex vocibus perornatae sacrae cantiones (Venice, 1565) ; Motets for five to eight voices from Sacrae cantiones, liber secundus, tertius, quartus (Venice, 1566) / Orlando di Lasso ; edited by Peter Bergquist Madison, [Wis.] : A-R Editions , c1997
11 Motets for four to eight voices from Selectissimae cantiones (Nuremberg, 1568) / Orlando di Lasso ; edited by Peter Bergquist Madison, [Wis.] : A-R Editions , c1997
12 Liber mottetarum trium vocum (Munich, 1575) ; Novae aliquot, ad duas voces cantiones (Munich, 1577) / Orlando di Lasso ; edited by Peter Bergquist Madison, [Wis.] : A-R Editions , c1995
13 Offizien und Messproprien / Orlando di Lasso ; herausgegeben von Peter Bergquist Kassel : Bärenreiter , 1993
14 Cantica, Responsorien und andere Musik für die Officia / Orlando di Lasso ; herausgegeben von Peter Bergquist Kassel : Bärenreiter , 1993
15 Litaneien, Falsibordoni und Offiziumssätze / Orlando di Lasso ; herausgegeben von Peter Bergquist Kassel : Bärenreiter , 1993
16 Lamentationes Jeremiae prophetae / Orlando di Lasso ; herausgegeben von Peter Bergquist Kassel : Bärenreiter , 1992