Bacheler, Daniel, b. ca. 1574

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Attribute of the Author Individual
Notes His Selected works for lute, 1972
New Grove (Bacheler (Bachelar, Bachiler, Batchelar, Batchiler), Daniel; b. ca. 1574; d. after 1610; English composer; "one piece of consort music in the Walsingham Partbooks is dated as early as 1588, which might suggest the existence of another composer with the same name, perhaps a relative")
Camerata of London. The Queen's men [SR] p1978: label (Daniel Batchelor)
SRC:Together(BMG Victor [distributor], p1995)
Date b. ca. 1574
See from' reference Batchiler, Daniell, b. ca. 1574
Batchelar, Daniell, b. ca. 1574
Bachelor, Daniel, b. ca. 1574
Bachelar, Daniel, b. ca. 1574
Bachiler, Daniel, b. ca. 1574
Batchelar, Daniel, b. ca. 1574
Batchiler, Daniel, b. ca. 1574
Batchelor, Daniel, b. ca. 1574
Codes AuthorityID=AU80139975  NCID=DA12447043
1 Lute and Vihuela music on the eleven-string guitar / Go Nagano Japan : NY Music promotion , 2002
2 Varietie of lvte-lessons / D. Bacheler ... et al. ; (compiled) by Robert Dowland ; whereunto is annexed certaine obseruations belonging to lvte-playing by Jean-Baptiste Besard ; also a short treatise thereunto appertayning by John Dowland New York : Performers' Facsimiles , [199-]
3 Fantasies, ayres & dances : Elizabethan and Jacobean consort music [New York] : RCA Red Seal. - [Tokyo] : BMG Victor [distributor] , p1988