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Gude & Godlie Ballatis noted / edited by Ross W. Duffin
(Recent researches in the music of the Renaissance ; 174)

Material Type score
Publication Middleton : A-R Editions , c2022
Language sco
Size xxii p., 195 p. of music : facsims. ; 26 cm

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3F stack room for musical scores MD
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Media type 楽譜(印刷)
Contents Prayers & articles of faith. Moyses vpon the mont Sinay
We trow in God allanerlie
Ovr Father God Omnipotent
Christ baptist was be Johne in Jordan flude
Ovr Sauiour Christ King of grace
All meit and drink wes creat be the Lord
Christ lernit vs on God how we suld call
We thank our God baith kynde and liberall
All creature on the Lord dependis
To our gude God of warldis Lord and King
We thank the, God, of thy gudnes
Spirituall sangis. Sore I complaine of sin
We wretchit sinners pure
All Christin men taktent and leir
Cum heir sayis Goddis sone to me
Blissit is he quhome God dois correct
Sinners vnto my sang aduert
Faithfvl in Christ vse ?our [gour] riches richt
Help God the formar of all thing
Be blyith al Christin men and sing
I come fra heuin to tell
To vs is borne a barne of blis
In dulce iubilo, now let vs sing
Onlie to God on heich be gloir
Lord God thy face and word of grace
Lord let thy seruand now depart
Christ Jesus gaue him self to deid
Certaine Ballatis of the scripture. Till Christ, quhome I am haldin for to lufe
Richt soirly musing in my mynde
Richt soir opprest I am with panis smart
Allace that same sweit face
I call on the, Lord Jesus Christ
Of mercy ?it [git] he passis all
We suld in to remembrance
Hay let vs sing and mak greit mirth
In Burgh and land, eist, west, nor, south
We suld beleue in God abufe
The grace of God appeiris now
Of thingis twa I pray the, Lord
Lord Father, God, that gaif me lyfe
Blis, blissit God, thir giftis gude
Blissing, gloir, wisdome, & hartly thankfulnes
Now let vs sing with Joy and mirth
Qvha can discriue or put in write
Gif ?e [ge] haif rissin from deid againe
Qvha suld my melodie amend
Let vs reioce and sing
Psalmes & Ballatis. Qvhat is the caus, O God omnipotent
Saif vs gude Lord, and succour send
O Lord how lang for euer wil thow for?et [forget]
O Lord, quha sall in heuin dwell with the
The Lord God is my Pastor gude
?e [Ge] richteous reioyce and loue the Lord
Thow sall not follow wickit menis wayis
O Lord aduert vnto my voce and cry
Till trew in hart God of Israell is sweit
God for thy grace thow keip no moir silence
Qvha on the hiest will depend
Qvhen fra Egypt departit Israell
Except the Lord with vs had stand
Fra deip (O Lord) I call to the
At the Riuers of Babylon
I will the loue my gracious Lord and King
The Hethin folk, Lord in thy heritage
Have mercy on me God of micht
Blissit ar thay that sit in Goddis dreid
For lufe of one I mak my mone
Qvho is at my windo, quho, quho
O God be mercyfull to vs
In till ane mirthfull May morning
All my hart ay this is my sang
My Lufe murnis for me, for me
Tell me now and in quhat wise
My saule dois Magnifie the Lord
Christ thow art the licht, bot & the day
Christ is the onlie sone of God
Christ Jesus is ane A. per C.
Allone I weip in greit distres
The Lord sayis I will schaw
Grevovs is my sorrow
Johne cum kis me now
Lord let me neuer be confoundit
Go hart vnto the lamp of licht
My saule, prayse þou the Lord alwayis
The man is blyste, that hes not gone
Ovr brother let vs put in graue
Mvsing greitlie in my mynde
Pray God for grace, my lufe maist deir
Downe be ?one [gone] Riuer I ran
With heuie hart full of distres
Welcvm Lord Christ, welcum againe
O Christ quhilk art the licht of day
With huntis vp, with huntis vp
Baneist is faith now euerie quhair
Mvsing greitly in my mynde
The Bischop of Hely brak his neck
I am wo for thir wolfis sa wylde
Allace vnkyndlie Christ we haue exilit
Of the fals fyre of Purgatorie
Wo is the hirdis of Israell
God send euerie preist ane wyfe
The wind blawis cauld, furious and bauld
Hay now the day dallis
Remember man, remember man
Preistis Christ beleue
The wallis of the kirk ?e [ge] byg
Carols & Contrafacta. Till our gude man, till our gude man
The paip that pagane full of pryde
Say weill is throuchlie a worthy gude thing
Knaw ?e [ge] not God omnipotent
Was not Salomon the King
All my lufe leif me not
Welcum Fortoun, welcum againe
Moral exhortations. All Christin and faithfull
Blenk in this mirrour man and mend
O man ryse vp and be not sweir
O man behald this warldis vaniteis
Sen throw vertew incressis dignitie
Appendix. O Lord in thee is all my trust
Notes For voice, unacc.
Scottish words; also printed as text
Prefatory matter in English
Authors  Duffin, Ross W.
Subjects LCSH:Vocal music
LCSH:Sacred vocal music
ID 1000031656
ISBN 9781987208207
NCID BC18251439
楽器編成 For voice, unacc.

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