Oxford history of art
データ種別 | 図書 |
出版情報 | Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press |
本文言語 | und |
1 | World art Byzantine art / Robin Cormack 2nd ed. - Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press , 2018 |
2 | Western art The art of the Roman Empire : AD 100-450 / Jaś Elsner 2nd ed. - Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press , 2018 |
3 | After modern art 1945-2017 / David Hopkins 2nd ed. - Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press , 2018 |
4 | Roman architecture / Janet DeLaine Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2024 |
5 | Landscape and western art / Malcolm Andrews : hb,: pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1999 |
6 | Early medieval architecture / Roger Stalley : hbk,: pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1999 |
7 | Nineteenth-century American art / Barbara Groseclose :,: pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2000 |
8 | After modern art 1945-2000 / David Hopkins : hbk.,: pbk.,: pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2000 |
9 | Byzantine art / Robin Cormack : pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2000 |
10 | Classical art : from Greece to Rome / Mary Beard and John Henderson : pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2001 |
11 | European architecture 1750-1890 / Barry Bergdoll : pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2000 |
12 | Indian art / Partha Mitter : pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2001 |
13 | Australian art / Andrew Sayers Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2001 |
14 | Medieval art / Veronical Sekules Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2001 |
15 | American photography / Miles Orvell Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2003 |
16 | Fashion / Christopher Breward Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2003 |
17 | Portraiture / Shearer West Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2004 |
18 | Art and society in Italy 1350-1500 / Evelyn Welch : hbk,: pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1997 |
19 | Art in Europe 1700-1830 : a history of the visual arts in an era of unprecedented urban economic growth / Matthew Craske : hbk,: pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1997 |
20 | Twentieth century design / Jonathan M. Woodham : cloth,: pbk. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1997 |
21 | The photograph / Graham Clarke : hbk,: pbk. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1997 |
22 | Art in China / Craig Clunas : pbk. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1997 |
23 | Architecture in the United States / Dell Upton : pbk. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1998 |
24 | African-American art / Sharon F. Patton : pbk. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1998 |
25 | Sculpture since 1945 / Andrew Causey : pbk. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1998 |
26 | Archaic and classical Greek art / Robin Osborne : pbk,: hbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1998 |
27 | Native North American art / Janet Catherine Berlo and Ruth B. Phillips : hbk,: pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1998 |
28 | Imperial Rome and Christian triumph : the art of the Roman Empire, AD 100-450 / Jaś Elsner : hb,: pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1998 |
29 | Modern art, 1851-1929 : capitalism and representation / Richard R. Brettell : hb,: pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1999 |
30 | Western sculpture Sculpture 1900-1945 : after Rodin / Penelope Curtis : pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1999 |
31 | The art of art history : a critical anthology / edited by Donald Preziosi : pbk. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1998 |
32 | Aegean art and architecture / Donald Preziosi and Louise A. Hitchcock : hb,: pbk,; pbk. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1999 |
33 | Design in the USA / Jeffrey L. Meikle New York : Oxford University Press , 2005 |
34 | Beauty and art, 1750-2000 / Elizabeth Prettejohn Tokyo ; Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2005 |
35 | East European art 1650-1950 / Jeremy Howard Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2006 |
36 | Eroticism & art / Alyce Mahon pbk.. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2007 |
37 | The Pacific arts of Polynesia and Micronesia / Adrienne L. Kaeppler New York : Oxford University Press , 2008 |
38 | Northern Renaissance art / Susie Nash Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2008 |
39 | Art in China / Craig Clunas pbk. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2009 |
40 | The art of art history : a critical anthology / edited by Donald Preziosi New ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2009 |
41 | Renaissance architecture / Christy Anderson Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2013 |
書誌ID | 6000526394 |
NCID | BA30196200 |