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キノシタ マキコ カキョクシュウ = Kinoshita Makiko song album
木下牧子歌曲集 = Kinoshita Makiko song album
(最新・日本歌曲選集 = The new selection of Japanese songs)

Material Type score
Edition 増補新訂版
Publisher 東京 : 音楽之友社
Year 2010
Language Japanese
Size スコア1冊 (94 p.) ; 29 cm

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3F reading room 1  / MC00-H03 31000339

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Media type 楽譜(印刷)
Contents 歌曲集愛する歌. ひばり / やなせたかし詩 = Pig, the daydreamer / poem by Yanase Takashi
ロマンチストの豚 / やなせたかし詩 = The sea and the tears and I / poem by Yanase Takashi
海と涙と私と / やなせたかし詩 = When the golden sun glows in the morning / poem by Yanase Takashi
きんいろの太陽がもえる朝に / やなせたかし詩 = The earth companions / poem by Yanase Takashi
地球の仲間 / やなせたかし詩 = Town of snow / poem by Yanase Takashi
雪の街 / やなせたかし詩 = To sway / poem by Yanase Takashi
ユレル / やなせたかし詩 = Lonely oak tree / poem by Yanase Takashi
さびしいカシの木 / やなせたかし詩 = A dog sings a song looking at his tale / poem by Yanase Takashi
犬が自分のしっぽをみて歌う歌 / やなせたかし詩 = Somebody rings a tiny bell / poem by Yanase Takashi
誰かがちいさなベルをおす / きのゆり詩 = Songs of "Late summer". Hand / poem by Kino Yuri
歌曲集晩夏. 手 / 吉行理恵詩 = Thouth nobody is here anymore / poem by Yoshiyuki Rie
もうだれもいないのに / 多田智満子詩 = Late summer / poem by Tada Chimako
晩夏 / 白石かずこ詩 = In September / poem by Shiraishi Kazuko
九月には / 高田敏子詩 = A car window / poem by Takada Toshiko
車窓 / 茨木のり子詩 = At least three or four silver coins / poem by Ibaragi Noriko
せめて銀貨の三枚や四枚 / 新川和江詩 = Goldfish in winter / poem by Shinkawa Kazue
Notes 歌詞: 日本語とローマ字 ; 巻末に詩(英訳付き)あり
Authors  木下, 牧子(1956-) <キノシタ, マキコ>
Subjects LCSH:Songs with piano
Classification :
ID 6000620634
ISBN 9784276524637
楽器編成 For voice and piano

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