所在 | (芸大) 4F書庫 |
請求記号 / 配架番号 | 723.359/C/6 |
資料番号 | 111501204 |
状態 |
Rembrandt's paintings revisited : a complete survey / Ernst van de Wetering ; with collaboration of Carin van Nes ; translated and edited by Murray Pearson. - Dordrecht : Springer , c2015. - (A corpus of Rembrandt paintings / Ernst van de Wetering ; with contributions by Karin Groen ... [et al.] ; with the collaboration of Paul Broekhoff, Michiel Franken, Lideke Peese Binkhorst ; translated by Jen |
978940179173 |
利用者ID / 氏名 |
2025/03/28 21:05:36